Yamaha DOM30

Disk orchestra module

Yamaha DOM-30 clavinova disk orchestra module
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The Yamaha DOM-30 is a high-performance MIDI Disk Orchestra Module that can be used in conjunction with a Yamaha Clavinova to play back a range of pre-programmed Yamaha music software such as Disk Orchestra Collection disks and some Disklavier disks (PianoSoft).

The DOM-30 is an excellent keyboard practice aid since it allows you to cancel playback of specific parts so you can play them on the keyboard yourself, accompained by the rest of the orchestra. The advertising campaign proclaimed "what you can learn from Mozart", and articles from 1990 actually praised this new kind of pre-recorded home learning tool.

The DOM-30 is also a sophisticated disk recorder, allowing you to record your own music software. You can independently record up to ten separate parts of a single musical composition – plus a rhythm track. You can enjoy recording and playing back simple one-voice performances, or take advantage of the DOM-30's internal 100-voice tone generator and create complex multi-track compositions that use a number of different voices.

With 100 voices and rhythm sounds, the DOM-30 is also an excellent tone generator system for use with a sequencer or MIDI-compatible music computer, much like the Yamaha FB01. The DOM-30 is also roughly the same width of the Roland MT32.

The disks are formatted in a proprietary Yamaha format named Disk Orchestra which is not compatible with FAT. A smaller version of the DOM-30, oriented to simple recording of tracks, was sold as the Yamaha DRC20.

The DOM30 on a Clavinova
The DOM30 on a Clavinova
Yamaha DOM30 from Keyboards (March 1990)
Yamaha DOM30 from Keyboards (March 1990)
