Yamaha MBS10

Memory bank

Yamaha MBS10 memory bank electone

Original price unknown

The Yamaha Memory Bank MBS-10 was developed as one of the components that comprise the expanded system of the HX Series Electone. It offers numerous features for transferring data between a Voice Expander and RAM Pack (RP3 or RP5)

It can either be connected to four FVX1 units or two AVX1 expanders using the "Pack port". Additionally, a Yamaha MDR2P can be connected via MIDI.


  • You can retrieve Registration data and other Bulk data that have been set at the Voice Expanders (FVX1 and/or AVX1), then write the data to a RAM Pack.
  • The Bulk data memorized in a RAM Pack can also be read and transferred to the Voice Expanders.
  • Besides Registration data, Common User voice data and other Bulk data can also be transferred to or from a RAM Pack.
  • The User Voice data of FVX1 can also be transferred to and from a RAM Pack.
  • Bulk data can be retrieved from the Voice Expanders, then transferred to a performance-recording device, such as MDR-2P.
  • You can also retrieve the Bulk data memorized in a performance-recording device, such as MDR-2P, then transfer it to the Voice Expanders.
  • It is also possible to transfer Bulk data between a RAM Pack and a performance-recording device.
