1984 (Nov.)
Original price unknown
The Yamaha UGA01 Graphic Card cartridge was sold as part of the ZGA01 kit together with the CR01 Card Reader. "Enjoy picture drawing with an MSX personal computer". The box contains 12 types of graphic cards containing a variety of picture patterns: cards have a magnetic strip that contains the data to display the image printed on it.
- You can draw a picture using patterns recorded in 12 cards.
- You can enjoy 15 colors (block filling is available).
- Capable of line drawing with a cursor or joystick. Straight line, circles, squares can be drawn with ease.
- Drawing steps are reproducible – if you fail, you do not have to restart from the beginning, you can restart from where you want to make a correction. By making good use of reproducible drawing steps, you can produce an animation.
- A picture you drew and drawing steps can be saved in a cassette tape.
The UGA01 wasn't sold as a single cartridge in Japan but was available internationally as the UGA02.